Behind the scenes

WorryTree's Commitment to Data Protection and Technical Security

WorryTree's Commitment to Data Protection and Technical Security

The DTAC is a set of guidelines used in the UK healthcare system to assess digital tools used in patient care. These criteria help make sure that technology used is safe and effective for patients. This means that patients can have more confidence in the digital tools recommended by their healthcare providers. They know that they meet certain quality standards and won't compromise their health or privacy.

Health specialists benefit from these criteria as they can make informed decisions about which digital solutions to use. This improves the quality of care they provide to patients while maintaining data security and compliance with regulations.

Welcome to our new WorryTree!

Welcome to our new WorryTree!

Welcome to our all-new WorryTree app!

If you’ve installed or updated WorryTree recently then you’ll know we’ve made some really big changes - not just to the look and feel of our app but also to how it works, with some wonderful new features that we’re really proud of! 

So today we’re going to break down the changes that we’ve made here, and introduce you to our new look WorryTree!

How to use WorryTree

How to use WorryTree

A few weeks ago our Founder Louise jumped onto Zoom in a live webinar where she talked us through the WorryTree cognitive behavioural therapy technique and how to use our WorryTree app!

If you missed it, you can watch a recording of the session here!

2020: A Year In Review

2020: A Year In Review

I attended Lucy Sheridan’s 2020 Closing Ceremony last night and it inspired me to take a look back at this year (what a year!) and actually what we’ve achieved at WorryTree in the past twelve months. This can feel to me a little bit self-indulgent, but if we don’t celebrate our successes and achievements then who is going to? This year, which has been so difficult for many of us, perhaps it’s more important than ever to look back and pat ourselves on the back, even if it’s just for getting through it.

Welcome to the new look WorryTree blog!

Welcome to the new look WorryTree blog!

It’s so great to be back with our new website, updated blog and new release of the WorryTree app!

There has been so much going on lately that I haven’t been able to blog here for a while, but I’m determined to get back into it and start sharing useful hints, tips and resources about worry and anxiety, habit formation and mental health. I’ll be sharing new content once a month and sometimes once a fortnight.

Five things helping me right now

Five things helping me right now

I’ve been wondering for a while whether I should write a post about Covid-19 and worry. These are certainly anxiety provoking times.

I think partly I’ve been avoiding writing here about it because I feel anxious myself, so how can I address that for other people in this blog, when I haven’t fully worked it through yet myself.

I also feel as if everyone is talking about it and there’s a huge breadth of content out there already. I lost count of the number of emails I had in the first week or so of lockdown in the UK, from all of my very favourite mailing lists, addressing coronavirus from their perspective. All of them were helpful. All of them were thought provoking.

Welcome to WorryTree Plus!

Welcome to WorryTree Plus!

So wow, this is big and scary!

After months and months in the making, we're finally rolling out the latest release of WorryTree! But it's not just any old release with a few bug fixes and tweaks. This is a big one.

Following months of talking to users, working through their feedback and testing, testing and testing some more, we've made some significant changes that I wanted to tell you about today.